What’s a quick and easy way to overcome your money fears and to start embracing money as your friend rather than your enemy? This is where today’s guest Julia Newbould and her new book ‘The Joy of Money’ comes to your rescue.
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I’m betting that not many of you associate feelings of joy with money. But this is exactly what Julia and her co-author of Kate McCullum have discovered in this fun, entertaining, educating and engaging easy read.
Julia is a financial writer and commentator with a strong background in financial journalism. She’s currently the Editor at large with Money Magazine, which is Australia’s longest-running and most-read personal finance magazine.
Prior to this she was editor of Financial Planning and Super Review magazines, managing editor at InvestorInfo and at Morningstar Australia which has all leveraged off her Bachelor of Economics.
Her co-authored book The Joy of Money helps you reframe your relationship with money and personal finance by deliberately de-jargonising the often confusing world of money, investing and finance.
As she says in the opening of the book, ‘We don’t believe in jargon. We believe that it has been used in finance circles to exclude people, and while the terms may be complex the concepts are not. We have removed unnecessary jargon and explained key concepts in practical ways.’
As The Joy of Money challenges you: Whatever you do, continue to take an interest in your finances. You need money to be financially independent, and you need financial independence to have choices in your life and for your goals.
There’s no need to feel guilty about the past – it’s the past. Whether we’ve got all the super we should have had, or whether we’ve sacrificed savings for shoes, or if we lost money in bad investments, or a bad relationships, let’s agree we start here today.
We are where we are and regrets won’t help. Let’s agree to look ahead and see what we can do right now.
So if you’re looking to improve your knowledge so you can take control of your money to create your version of financial independence, then you’re really going to enjoy this great chat with Julia Newbould.
Listen to this episode now and subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, PlayerFM, search Google Podcasts or the player below.
Get Invested is the podcast dedicated to time poor professionals who want to work less and live more. Join Bushy Martin, one of Australia’s top 10 property specialists, as he and his influential guests share know-how on the ways investing in property can unlock the life you always dreamed about and secure your financial future.
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