Our guest for the inaugural episode of the Get Invested Podcast is the founder of Amplify Marketing Agency, Ronsley Vaz. Beyond founding Amplify, Ronsley is the host of Bond Appetit and Should I Start A Podcast, which collectively have over four million listeners in 145 countries. He also sits on the board for freetoshine.org, an organisation that works to prevent sex trafficking.
Ronsley is an entrepreneur with an extremely diverse background ranging from DJing to financial advising to cooking to software development. Ronsley is an inspiring figure, a leader, mentor to many different people and an all-around good bloke. In our conversation, we talked about his journey, philosophy and the story behind Amplify. We also touched on pivotal moments in his career, lessons learned and what really makes him tick.
Listen to the full episode to hear all this, plus things like:
- Freedom defined, and why it’s so incredibly important to this generation
- Why standardised education indoctrinates people into a fixed mindset
- The biggest compliment Ronsley ever received
- Why the ‘if you build it they will come’ is a false way to think
- The power of relationships and good conversations
- How to successfully marry commercial and artistic interests
- Ronsley’s investment advice to his younger self
- How to overcome the resistance of doing difficult things
Amplify Marketing Agency
We Are Podcast
Bond Appetite
Should I Start a Podcast
Ronsley’s book, Amplify: Raise Your Voice, Boost Your Brand and Grow Your Business
Free to Shine