Luke Schenscher is the gentle giant who found his way to the pinnacle of elite sport, playing basketball in the NBA with the likes of the Chicago Bulls and Portland Trailblazers. Continue reading
28. Greg Layton on the psychology secrets of the world’s elite performers
This episode is going to challenge your views on how to become a high performer, in terms of what ‘high performance’ really is and how to make it happen.Continue reading
27. Investment lessons from maverick accountant Kym Nitschke
Kym Nitschke is an accountant, financial planner, a licenced builder and an active property investor. How many ‘accountant builders’ have you met?Continue reading
26. Natalie Stevens on the Benefits and Risks in Building Your Home
When it comes to the topic of your future home, the age old question is sure to come up – do I buy or build? Continue reading