Now this time of the year is a great time for reflection and a chance to recharge your batteries, so I’m going to challenge you to make the time to read and listen to podcasts as a way of filling your tank with inspiration and motivation.Continue reading
94. Joining the data dots between people and property with Nerida Consibee
If you’re researching property, there’s more information available than we can handle. How do we make sense of it all?Continue reading
93. Extreme adventurer Luke Richmond on living like there is no tomorrow
To inspire and motivate you to become the best version of you, today’s guest Luke Richmond is a living breathing example of how to live and enjoy your life to the fullest when you keep this question top of mind: what if I die in five years time?Continue reading
92. Bushy Martin: Diving into the unknown (live keynote)
I want to wake you up to help you to see differently – so you can see in the same unique way that all of the 5% who achieve sustainable success see the world.Continue reading
91. Iesha Delune on enduring success and happiness
If you wanted to find out who you really are, where would you start? Today’s special guest Iesha Delune can show you a unique way to go about it.Continue reading
90. Michelle Jewels-Parsons on what death teaches us about life
Today’s guest refers to herself as an end of life guide, an end of life companion and a funeral celebrant.Continue reading
89. Kikki.K founder Kristina Karlsson on how to bring your dreams to life
It is time to dust off your dreams – to dream big without laws or limits – because dreams re-energise our passion and our purpose.Continue reading
88. How Paul Dunn became a gladiator for global giving
Paul Dunn is a gladiator for global giving. His good vibes and infectious energy is immediately invigorating – just listening to his words of wisdom inspires you to be better and to do better.Continue reading
87. Building a lifestyle investment strategy with Liam Austin
Liam Austin is a perfect example of a passive aggressive investment appreciator who has invested in multiple income streams across property and online businesses, generating recurring income that allows him the time and locational independence to travel and live all over the world.Continue reading
86. Dr Amy Carmichael on how trauma can lead to transformation
Today’s guest specialises in holistic preventative health through nutrition and lifestyle.Continue reading